Our behaviour curriculum
At Grange Primary School, we want to prepare our children for the life that lies ahead of them. We believe that appropriate behaviour, like any other skill, has to be taught, modelled and practised. We also believe that good behaviour is fundamental to academic success and personal growth. Our curriculum is designed not only to guide pupils in understanding the importance of positive conduct, but also to empower them with the skills necessary to make responsible choices. Through it, we aim to foster a positive and respectful learning environment where all members of the school community can flourish.
Teaching our behaviour curriculum
Our behaviour curriculum is taught explicitly during the first week of the Autumn term, alongside the National Curriculum subjects. Children should learn the curriculum content so that they can recall the information and act upon it. At the start of each term, our behaviour curriculum is revisited and will continue to be reinforced throughout the year.
As with all curriculum content, this should be taught using explicit teaching based on the ten principles of instruction from Barak Rosenshine. Staff will also demonstrate these behaviours and ensure that pupils have time to practice these (particularly in the first few days of term). For example, walking from place to place should be taught in the classroom but must be reinforced in different locations and times throughout the school day, e.g. lunchtimes. It is expected that all pupils will know this content.
We use our three behaviour bees to help our children learn our behaviour expectations:
- Be Respectful
- Be responsible and safe
- Be resilient
Please see our full behaviour curriculum here.
Celebrating good behaviour
We use bronze stickers to reward our children for good behaviours that are demonstrated. Every child at Grange Primary School, from FS2 to Year 6, has their own reward journey chart where they keep their bronze stickers. At key milestone points along their journey, our children earn a special golden certificate which they receive in our 'Golden assembly'. Parents are invited to school to see this special moment.
When our children complete a reward journey, they receive a special pin badge to wear with pride, starting with their bronze pin badge. Below is the sequence that pin badges are awarded in:
- Bronze pin badge
- Silver pin badge
- Gold pin badge
- Bronze wise owl
- Silver wise owl
- Gold wise owl
- Bronze shield
- Silver shield
- Golden shield
We also celebrate positive behaviours at lunchtimes with our 'Lovely lunchtime champions' award. One child is chosen from each class on a monthly basis who consistently demonstrates all the positive behaviours we expect at lunchtime. These children are our ‘Lovely lunchtime’ champions who attend a dinner party with the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher, each receiving a special mini-trophy to keep.