Rainbow Room
Welcome to The Rainbow Room!
At Grange Primary School, we believe that all children should be encouraged and supported to reach their individual potentials. We also recognise that children who find learning difficult or those who have additional needs, should be taught in a way that is appropriate to their stage of development.
The Rainbow Room at Grange is an intervention space which is used to meet the needs of children who benefit from having interventions delivered away from the distractions of a busy class environment. Some children also need a differentiated curriculum to meet their individual needs. The Rainbow Room curriculum allows children to access structured play opportunities which are delivered by specialist SEND TA’s. Activities are specifically designed to meet children's individual needs and build on prior knowledge.
Mrs Riley is the teacher who oversees the planning and provision of the Rainbow Room and alongside the child’s class teachers, is responsible for ensuring each individual child’s needs are met. To achieve this, Mrs Riley sets children individualised targets each term and monitors the children's progress using a number of assessments including: The Engagement Model, Derbyshire's Celebratory Checkpoints, The Early Years Foundation Stage, The National Curriculum and The Autism Education Trust Framework.
Each afternoon, alongside universal activities in The Rainbow Room, all children have an Individual Provision Map which is developed by their class teacher. Using the targets and provision set out on the IPM's, Specialist SEND TA's will work with the children both 1:1 and in small groups on their personalised targets.
Mrs Riley - SENCO
Mrs Wheat - SEND Specialist Teaching Assistant
Miss Langham - SEND Specialist Teaching Assistant
Dates for your Diary!
- 6th January 2025 - School re-opens for children
- 17th January 2025 - University Workshops Start
- 23rd January 2025 - West Transport lorry visiting year 1
- 11th February 2025 - Safer Internet Day
- 14th February 2025 - Last day before half term
- 25th February 2025 - School re-opens for children
- 4th/5th March 2025 - Parents evening
- 6th/7th/10th/11th March 2025 - Book Fair l (3.15pm - 3.45pm)
- 21st March 2025 - Red Nose Day
- 4th April 2025 - Last day of the Spring term
- 22nd April - School re-opens for children
What and how do we learn in The Rainbow Room?
Click below to download our Rainbow Room Curriculum Overview
Please read this half-term newsletter to see how you can support your child's learning at home.
Attention Autism
Attention Autism is a learning approach that aims to develop natural and spontaneous communication skills for autistic children through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities.
The origins of the approach are in the idea that successful communication is dynamic, engaging and joyful. People learn best when they are filled with enthusiasm, motivation and creativity. The Attention Autism approach should provide children with a learning experience that they want to communicate about.
The Aims of Attention Autism:
As well as the ultimate goal of developing natural and spontaneous communication skills in children with autism, there are several other aims that Attention Autism strives to achieve. These include:
- To engage attention.
- To improve joint attention.
- To develop shared enjoyment in group activities.
- To encourage spontaneous interaction in a natural group setting.
- To increase non-verbal and verbal communication through commentary.
- To build a wealth and depth of vocabulary.
- Most importantly, to have fun in doing so!
For more information click the button below to be directed to the Attention Autism web page.
The Autism Education Trust
Alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum, the children in the Rainbow Room are exposed to a wide range of learning experiences which are developed using the skills set out in the Autism Education Progression Framework.
Children's individual objectives and statements, from the AET progression framework, will be worked on throughout the year with your child and will be the focus of direct teaching alongside their curriculum goals (if appropriate).
If you have any queries regarding the content on this page or want support in knowing how best to help your child, please request a meeting with Mrs Riley via the main school office.
As committed practitioners, we continually evaluate our practice using the self-reflection tools provided by the AET to ensure Grange primary school is fully inclusive and giving the children the best opportunities to thrive, make progress and meet individual targets.
As part of this continual program of development, we are fully committed to following the AET's Eight Principles of Inclusion.
Eight Principles of Inclusion-
Click below to be re-directed to the Autism Education Trust website.
Inclusion Support Advisory Service (ISAS)
The service, provided by Derbyshire Local Authority, will actively promote the nurture, participation and achievement of all children and young people by proactively responding to their unique characteristics, strengths, needs, choices, and aspirations by:
- Championing all children and young people so they achieve, thrive, and fulfil their potential regardless of background, identity, ability, or circumstance.
- Actively removing barriers to children and young people’s participation, to ensure a high quality, meaningful learning experience and a sense of belonging that will prepare them well for their next stage in life or adulthood.
- Working together to promote high levels of equity, equality of access, opportunity and excellence whilst recognising and celebrating diversity
- Working in co-production with children, young people, and their parents / carers, so they can participate in decision making.
- Responding to individual need and valuing the contribution of all.