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The Arts

The Arts at Grange Primary School are held in high regard. Our commitment to The Arts can be evidenced through our status as an Artsmark accredited school.

Our aim is to inspire and enthuse pupil’s imagination and creativity whilst developing an appreciation of creative arts. We have developed a broad and balanced arts curriculum which enables all pupils to succeed and achieve. We strive to provide the children with high quality arts experiences and access to a wide variety of different resources.

We plan lesson units that build upon existing skills whilst developing new techniques learnt from some of the world’s greatest artistic talents!

We celebrate music and art achievements during assemblies and creative displays to enhance the school environment.

Aims (Intent)



We believe in The Arts being a key driver in children acquiring and developing skills such as perseverance, resilience and commitment that they can apply to everyday life. Pupils see art as an open-ended subject whereby they have the opportunity to take risks and challenge themselves. Developing an appreciation of The Arts is an important part of our curriculum and we regularly organise visits to local theatre companies and invite travelling companies in to raise the profile of The Arts within school.


Our Arts curriculum uses a knowledge-engaged approach. We use the Focus Learning Challenge curriculum as the basis of our programme of study which is designed to enable skills progression year on year. We consider learning through the Arts to be the exploration of issues, ideas and values through dance, drama, music etc. Children focus on the work of different artists each year to ensure they receive a diverse and varied curriculum.


Experimental learning is at the forefront of Grange’s Arts curriculum. Children have the opportunity develop their artistic talents through school workshops, our in house Talent Show and through the expertise of local professionals who regularly visit Grange to work with our children. Themed Arts Weeks take place every other year and these experiences are designed to instil the love of learning and prevent a narrowing of our curriculum whilst embedding knowledge and skills across all learning.

For more information about our Art Curriculum, please see our curriculum overview and Art's policy below.


The Arts Policy

Arts Progression Map

Music Progression Map Yr 1-6

EYFS Music