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Curriculum Aims

Our curriculum is built on a deep understanding of the children and the community we serve, designed to ignite wonder, instil a love of learning and ensure all children leave our school with strong foundations and the necessary skills and knowledge required to thrive in their future.


We believe in children learning through experience and endeavouring to ignite their curiosity through trips, the imagination station and our outdoor learning environments. Our success must be measured by the extent to which our children demonstrate our Steps to Summit skills and Learning to Learn values as well as their readiness for the next stage in their journey as responsible citizens and community champions.


Our knowledge-engaged curriculum is the product of the expertise of our staff and, where appropriate, high quality published programmes are used as a basis on which we build. Our curriculum is enquiry based using children’s questions and curiosity as a springboard for discovery. Children develop a defined bank of knowledge across multiple areas with connections made to earlier learning to deepen understanding. There is a strong emphasis placed on developing oracy across all curriculum areas and learning is carefully adapted to engage all learners and learning styles.


The ‘Grange’ values, a strong commitment to our emotional awareness approach, PSHE, diversity and respect ensure that personal development is at the heart of the curriculum. We ensure that we develop the whole child, celebrating individual talents through opportunities for enrichment in our university workshops, sport, performance and an understanding of our local area.


Our curriculum development is guided by eight principles:

  • be built from within 
  • be informed by our knowledge of every child 
  • ensure a rich and broad offer for our children 
  • provide children with a deeper understanding of their local area 
  • encompass the 'living, laughing and learning' values
  • be structured to enable to connections within topics, across different subjects and related to their own personal experiences
  • set children up for success at secondary school and beyond
  • provide opportunities for enrichment and extra curriculum learning.


Impact and Assessment

Effective assessment provides vital information to improve teaching and learning outcomes. We ensure we plan based on the children's prior knowledge, misconceptions and linking learning with and across subjects as well as with children's own personal experiences.

Our rigorous progress and target-setting model supports this. We provide children with regular feedback on their learning so that they understand what they need to do to improve, and our lesson plans are formed with detailed knowledge of each pupil and their needs.

We also give parents/carers regular reports on their child’s progress so that teachers, children and parents/carers can all work together to raise the, attainment of the child.

For a detailed view of our curriculum, please explore the year group overviews and curriculum subjects below.