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I am a Sapphire Reader

I am working on...

  • Reading with increasing fluency, decoding longer words and testing out different pronunciations
  • Applying my growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes to read aloud.
  • Prefixes include in-, im-, il-, ir, dis-, mis-, il-, ir-, dis-, mis-, un-, re-, sub-, inter-, super-, anti- and auto-
  • Suffixes/word endings, include -ation, -ly, -ous, -ture, -sure, -sion, -tion, -ssion and -cian
  • Reading with an awareness of audience, including changes in intonation and pace
  • Predicting what might happen from details I have read - Tell me what you think might happen next? Why do you think this?
  • Explaining a character’s feelings using evidence from the text
  • How is the character feeling? What makes you think this?