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Why choose Grange?

Children are provided with a wide range of exciting and stimulating resources and activities that promote their learning and independence. They have the opportunity to work independently and with adults during the day, which supports their development across all areas of the curriculum. Short adult-led carpet sessions equip children with the skills they will need to develop their learning in all areas of the Early Years Framework.  

Children feel comfortable and confident to explore whilst respecting each other and the environment. They are taught how to keep themselves safe and how to build friendships. 

Children have access to a range of open-ended resources. These resources allow for rich speaking and listening opportunities as they need to share their ideas and plans, explain their thoughts to collaborate and create together. 

Children not only interact with a rich environment but also with knowledgeable, skilful, and enthusiastic staff. Adults in Nursery and Reception extend and develop children’s language and communication in their play. They also extend children’s thinking skills with a range of carefully planned questions. 

The Early Years team work very closely together. During exploration time, they often share both the outdoor and the indoor environment.  

We believe that children who attend our Nursery and Reception are provided with the building blocks they need for starting their school education. The Nursery and Reception team work closely together to ensure that children are well-prepared for the transition into Reception and then into our KS1. 

 Admissions to Grange Primary School are handled by Derbyshire County Council.

Use the link below to visit the Derbyshire County Council website for useful information, advice/support and formal applications.

To read more about joining grange primary school please click here