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At Grange, we believe that the ability to write with confidence and accuracy is an essential life skill and that writing for pleasure is also a hugely important part of this process too.  Writing is a complex process requiring so much more than handwriting and spelling; it is the ability to effectively communicate ideas, information and opinions through the printed word and in a wide range of contexts. 

Successful writers understand the purpose and characteristics of writing in order to use different genres appropriately and they adapt their writing to suit different audiences and purposes.  Writing also requires the writer to understand and accurately apply the conventions of spelling, punctuation and grammar. 

We aim to inspire in our children a love of creative writing and equip children with the technical skills necessary to achieve this.

Our aims are for all children at Grange to:

  • Write with confidence, accuracy and imagination;
  • Understand and apply their knowledge of phonics and spelling
  • Understand how to write in a range of genres (including fiction, non-fiction and poetry), using the appropriate style, structure and features;
  • Plan, draft, revise and edit their own work, and learn how to self and peer-assess
  • Develop a vocabulary through which to understand and discuss their own writing;
  • Develop their imagination, creativity, expressive language and critical awareness through their writing.

Our curriculum and genre coverage documents have recently been reviewed, (February 2025). Our English Progression maps can be found below alongside our whole school genre coverage document.