SEND and Inclusion
At Grange Primary School we uphold an inclusive admission policy which is built on a whole community approach to special educational needs and/or disabilities, where staff, governors, parents and support services work together as a team. We cooperate and work collaboratively, and in co-ordination in all that we do, so that we produce the best possible education for all children, including those with SEND.
The SEND Lead's at Grange Primary School:
Mrs Riley (NASENCO)Email: Telephone: 0115 9734956 |
Mrs Fletcher (NASENCO)Email: Telephone: 0115 9734956 |
Our SEND Specialist Teaching assistants:
Mrs BussMrs Buss supports a range of children in our SEND Hub who mainly need support in the area of Cognition and Learning. |
Mrs WheatMrs Wheat works in The Rainbow Room and supports children who have Communication and Interaction needs. |
Miss LanghamMiss Langham also supports children in both 1:1 and in small groups in The Rainbow Room alongside Mrs Wheat. |
Inclusion Support Advisory Specialist:
Our service will actively promote the nurture, participation and achievement of all children and young people by proactively responding to their unique characteristics, strengths, needs, choices, and aspirations by:
- Championing all children and young people so they achieve, thrive, and fulfil their potential regardless of background, identity, ability, or circumstance.
- Actively removing barriers to children and young people’s participation, to ensure a high quality, meaningful learning experience and a sense of belonging that will prepare them well for their next stage in life or adulthood.
- Working together to promote high levels of equity, equality of access, opportunity and excellence whilst recognising and celebrating diversity
- Working in co-production with children, young people, and their parents / carers, so they can participate in decision making.
- Responding to individual need and valuing the contribution of all.