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Meet the Governors


John Imms

Chair of Governors


Hannah Johns

Local Authority Governor



 Craig Williams

Parent Governor


Lizzie Harrison

Parent Governor

Steve Hessey

Steve Hessey

Co-opted Governor

Daniel Hancock

Parent Governor

Katy Beighton

Katy Beighton

Parent Governor

Zoe Rauche

Zoe Rauch

Co-opted Governor

The governing board meets on a regular basis in order to fulfil its responsibilities to Derbyshire County Council and Grange School. Its function is 3-fold and in line with the Department of educations requirements for all school governing boards. In order to hold the school to account and fulfil its core functions the board will:

  1. Ensure there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  3. Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent
  4. Ensure the voices of stakeholders are heard

The board will meet at least six times a year, the meetings will be scheduled to coincide with financial and staffing requirements where full board decisions need to be made. Alternative meetings will include committee meetings. The governing board has set up four committees to focus on specific areas that it considers important to the management of the school these are:

  1. Finance
  2. Pupil and Personnel
  3. Pupil Premium
  4. Safeguarding

Each committee will have a lead / chair and will consist of 3 governors from the board. The focus for the committees will be to ensure that the school is fulfilling their responsibilities in these areas and report development to the full governing board.

Finance Committee

Mrs H Johns (Chair)

Mrs R Way

Mr S Hessey

Pupils and Personnel Committee

Mr J Imms (Chair)

Mrs Z Rauch

Mrs Z Buxton

Safeguarding Committee

Mrs L Harrison

Mr D Hancock

Pupil Premium Committee

Mr A Thompson (Chair)

Mrs K Beighton

Mr C Williams

Governor's Business and Pecuniary Interests

  • There are no relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests)
  • Governors have no governance roles in other educational institutions
  • There are no material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff

Governor's Expenses

  • No expenses were claimed by any Governors in the 2020/21 or 2021/22 school years

School Financial Benchmarking

  • Click here to access the DfE Schools financial benchmarking site.